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Old Wabash

"Old Wabash!" Listen Now!
Also listen to "ALMA MATER"

Words by Edwin Meade Robinson, 1900
Music by Carroll Ragan, 1901

From the hills of Maine to the western plain, or where the cotton is blowing;
From the gloomy shade of the northern pine, to the light of the southern seas;
There's a name held dear and a color we cheer wherever we find it glowing;
And the tears will rise to our longing eyes as it floats on the evening breeze.

When the day is done and the western sun is painting in flashing glory;
Across the skies with gorgeous dyes the color we love so well;
天下足球网,球探比分 love to sit as the shadows flit and praise it in song and story;
天下足球网,球探比分 love to shout as the light dies out a good Old Wabash yell.

Our prayers are always thine, our voices and hearts combine,
To sing thy praise when future days shall bring thy name before us.
When college days are past, as long as life shall last,
Our greatest joy will be to shout the chorus.

Dear Old Wabash, thy loyal sons shall ever love thee,
And o'er thy classic halls, the Scarlet flag shall proudly flash.
Long in our hearts, we'll bear the sweetest mem'ries of thee,
Long shall we sing thy praises, Old Wabash!

 Download the sheet music to Old Wabash here.


 Fraternity pledges annually gather in front of the Pioneer Chapel the Thursday morning before Homecoming for a spirited revival of sorts. Nearly 200 screaming, singing, delirious freshmen belt out the lengthy words of "Old Wabash!" in hopes of winning the contest for their fraternity.

"Old Wabash"

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